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Homage to Jean-Paul Bronckart: 4èmes Rencontres Internationales de l’Interactionnisme Socio-discursif
Written by FIA   
Wednesday, 11 April 2012 00:00

JeanPaulBronckartUnder the title "Activités, textes et langues: leur dynamique interactive et ses effets", the 4th International Meetings of Sociodiscursive Interactionism (4èmes Rencontres International de l'Interactionnisme Sociodiscursif) will take place in Geneva in 17-19 July, 2013.

In these 4èmes Rencontres International de l'Interactionnisme Sociodiscursif homage will be paid to Jean-Paul Bronckart, founder of this approach, on the eve of his retirement.

This is an event of special significance to us: Jean-Paul Bronckart has been one of the closest persons to the Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje from its very beginning, and has shared his human and scientific quality in our own education and psychology meetings, has been one of the most veteran and present members of Infancia y Aprendizaje's Editorial Board throughout many of its different stages (and of other journals, such as Estudios de Psicología), and one of the most relevant advocates of the sociocultural approach, an approach whose development and spread has been one of FIA's main tasks.

He is author of the book Actividad verbal, textos y discursos. Por un interaccionismo socio-discursivo, published in Spanish by FIA. 

Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje wishes to share with its readers and collaborators this call for contributions, and we encourage to send their proposals by 15 September 2012 following the instructions detailed in this document.

In this meeting, a reflection will be proposed around the conditions, the modalities and the effects of the dynamic that characterizes the permanent interaction between human activities and linguistic productions. Moreover, the theoretical and epistemological foundations of this interactive dynamic, the methodological approaches that tackle it, the frameworks and shapes in which it unfolds, the nature and impact of its effects, or the structural and functional features of the units and processes involved will be discussed.

Visit the website of these 4èmes Rencontres International de l'Interactionnisme Sociodiscursif for further information.

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