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Author Guidelines for Infancia y Aprendizaje


Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje encourages authors to read carefully the journal’s guidelines before submitting their manuscripts: publication is speeded by care in preparation!

Contributions in English should follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition. Contributions in Spanish should follow the Manual de publicaciones de la American Psychological Association, 3a edición.

The FIA production department and/or the journal’s Editorial Assistant shall adapt the text and section headings to fit current FIA style.

More information on scholarly authorship, rights and liabilities of authors, discounts, certificates, and other related matters in the Authors section.

Aims and Scope

Infancia y Aprendizaje is an international journal on developmental and educational psychology, admitting works both of basic research on human learning and developmental processes all throughout the life span, and of applied research and interventions in educational settings. All manuscripts are externally reviewed.


Development and education researchers, education professionals (counselors, teachers) and intervention professionals (child psychologists, educational psychologists).

Manuscripts admitted

Priority will be given to articles that tackle the relations between educational and developmental processes, in real contexts, and from new, original theoretical and methodological approaches.

One or two of the four issues published annually will be dedicated in part to debates or specific subjects risen through open calls for papers.

Since the journal publishes a section specifically dedicated to invited authors (Prospectives), theoretical reviews or reflections will not be accepted, nor the presentation of educational innovations or experiences limited to explain or describe them without an in-depth analysis of the processes involved and the results obtained. Moreover, articles limited to validation of tests and psychometric instruments will not be accepted, nor those limited to replication previous research with no new contributions to current debate.

In addition, no more than one article per year will be published for any given author.

The journal admits manuscripts and publishes in both English and Spanish. A native speaker level of written expression is expected for all manuscripts in any of both languages. Authors who wish to improve the use of English or Spanish in their manuscripts should consider using professional editing services. Visit the Authors section for links and information on these services.

Articles must be original, unpublished and not currently under review elsewhere. Manuscripts are screened using the plagiarism detection system provided by CrossCheck.


Manuscript submission

Submission will be made exclusively online through the RECYT online platform (manuscripts are not to be sent by postal mail). Once authors have registered as AUTHOR of the platform, to send their work correctly they must simply follow carefully the instructions that appear in each screen.

It is necessary to upload two documents, both in word format:

1) Document identifying authors: This should include the name and surnames of the author/s (only one surname, but if the author prefers to use two they should be linked by a short dash, e.g., López-Amor, rule that also applies in case of two first names, e.g., María-José), institutional affiliation (University of...), full address of all the authors (including e-mail, phone number, postal address and fax), and acknowledgements if any.

2) Manuscript: The first pages must include: the title of the paper (reflecting exactly, but briefly, the subject of the paper); abstract (up to 175 words) and keywords (up to 10), all of which must be both in Spanish and English; the following pages must contain, in this order: body of text (divided into their corresponding), bibliographic references, and finally tables, figures and annex.


In the initial submission, author must follow the indications shown in the document linked below:

Format guidelines for manuscripts


The complete manuscript must not exceed 7,000 words or 44,000 characters including spaces, title, abstract, keywords, references, tables, figures and annexes.

Should any problem or question arise involving manuscript submission, the author may write via e-mail to:

Infancia y Aprendizaje
Carles Monereo and Nora Scheuer (Editors)
Crista Weise (Managing Editor)
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



Firstly, manuscripts are screened for plagiarism using the CrossCheck system. Manuscripts whose similarity report reflects that more than 25% has been previouly published in other sources by the same author (both individually or in collaboration) are carefully analyzed, especially when similarities are found in the Results and/or Conclusions sections. Editors are responsible of deciding whether or not those manuscripts are admitted for review. Manuscripts whose similarity report with other sources is higher than 35% cannot be admitted for review. When similarity occurs with articles authored by other authors, a similarity of 15% is the maximum allowed.

The Editors will then screen all manuscripts, assessing their interest, pertinence, and rigour in terms of the journal’s scope, in addition to various formal aspects.

After this phase, the manuscript is sent to the journal Associate Editors whose area of expertise is closest to the subject being addressed, who in turn will send it to two or, exceptionally, three qualified experts in the specific field of research.

The authors will receive the referees’ comments and the Associate Editor’s report informing them of the decision adopted about their work. Authors may check at any time the evaluation process' status through the RECYT platform.

Final version

Upon acceptance, authors are requested to send an electronic file with the final version of the paper and attend to the Editor’s formal requirements. The final text must follow the indications shown in the document linked below:

Format guidelines for manuscripts accepted for publication


Proofs are sent to the designated author for revision, under no circumstance is it possible to include new text or material or make corrections of style at proof stage. These should be returned to the journal within seven days of receipt.



Authors receive a copyright agreement that they must return to FIA signed, establishing the terms under which they surrender the copyright to FIA for their defence and protection.

Visit this page to know more about your rights and liabilities as a FIA author.

The author receives two copies of the journal and a pdf file of the article. They are entitled to a 50% discount on printed copies of the issue in which the paper is published (subject to availability).

Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permission for reproducing illustrations, tables, figures taken from other authors and/or source. Permission must be placed at the foot of each figure.

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