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News and announcements of Studies in Psychology, Estudios de Psicología

New Editor of Studies in Psychology

STP Sage Cover 2024


Dra. Amelia Álvarez, Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje


(Click here to download this announcement in PDF format)



Amelia Álvarez

Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje is pleased to announce that Dr. Amelia Álvarez will become the new Editor-in-Chief of the journal Studies in Psychology (Estudios de Psicología) starting March 1st, 2024.

Dr. Álvarez earned her degree in Psychology in 1973 at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and her Ph. D. at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 1996. She was a Professor at both the Universidad de Salamanca and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where she is now Professor Emerita.

Dr. Álvarez’s work has been mainly focused on the continuation and spread of cultural historical psychology. As Publisher and Editor, she has actively participated in the publication of Lev S. Vygotsky’s works in the Spanish language, as well as many of the Belorussian psychologist’s collaborators’ (Luria, Elkonin, Zhaporozhets, Galperin, Leontiev…). As a researcher, she has written articles and book chapters in the leading journals and book compilations dedicated to cultural historical psychology at large, and to Vygotskyan psychology in particular. Dr. Álvarez was also a founding member of the Society for Socio-Cultural Research (SSCR), and organized the SSCR’s First Conference in Madrid, 1992. In the year 2002, the SSCR merged with the International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory (ISCRAT) to constitute ISCAR, the International Society for Cultural-historical Activity Research, which continues to function to this day.

Founder and Secretary of Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje (FIA), she has been the Editor in Chief of two of FIA’s most historic and far-reaching journals: the Journal for the Study of Development (Infancia y Aprendizaje), from 1978 to 1995, and Culture and Education (Cultura y Educación) (founded in 1989 as Comunicación, Lenguaje y Educación, CL&E -Communication, Language & Education-), from 1989 to 2008. She has also been in the Editorial Committee of internationally acclaimed journals such as Mind, Culture and Activity.

Dr. Álvarez’s lifelong dedication to the study of psychology and education, along with her inexhaustible editorial experience, ensure both the continuity and the growth of the journal in this period. Her strong emphasis on the importance of human sciences in the study and design of the present and the future conditions for humankind, and her always passionate defense of a psychologically healthy and nurturing cultural environment for children, will guide her tenure as Studies in Psychology’s Editor-in-Chief.

Dr. Álvarez’s work will build on the outstanding leadership of Dr. Ricardo Rosas, outgoing Editor-in-Chief of Studies in Psychology. We thank him for his excellent service to the journal over the last decade.

Read this announcement [New Editor of Studies in Psychology]
Call for Editor 2023

redp cover 2021


Studies in Psychology

Estudios de Psicología


(You may download this call as a PDF file.)



January 1st, 2024, or until Editor is named.



Four years, renewable by mutual consent, starting in 2024. Usually, four- to five-year terms allow sufficient time to implement and see through the incoming Editor’s vision and plan for the journal.

The Editor elect and his/her office should be fully operational during 2024, in order to begin reviewing new manuscripts.


Journal Aims & Scope

Studies in Psychology  publishes articles of empirical research, methodological innovation, and theoretical debate in the frontier of psychological knowledge. Among others, examples of articles in the frontier of psychology are those that allow for a new understanding of a psychological phenomenon, that soundly and originally criticize a mainstream theory, that defy the discipline’s commonly accepted knowledge, that propose original experimental paradigms, different to those widely accepted by the academic community of the normal science… Its main goal is thus to provide a dialogue forum both between psychological sub-disciplines, and between psychology and other related disciplines. (Read more about the scope here).

Studies in Psychology will be of interest to researchers and graduate students working in psychology and related disciplines, and psychologists working in both applied fields and academia.

Lea la Convocatoria completa [Call for Editor 2023]
Artificial Intelligence. Call for papers
Wednesday, 21 June 2023 00:00

The journal Studies in Psychology / Estudios de Psicología calls the academic community to send manuscripts for a special issue on Artificial Intelligence.

Here you can download this call as a PDF.


Special Issue Theme and Orienting Questions


The looming perspective of actual artificial intelligence (AI) has been with us for a long time. Not only as a theoretical possibility actively pursued by a select few, be it for scientific, philosophical, technological or commercial goals, but more broadly, as a source of inspiration for narratives that have permeated our collective discourse.

However, up until now, there seemed to be no real reason for most people to actively engage with the thought of our machines increasingly resembling us and perhaps eventually surpassing us in skill, nor with the immediate and distant consequences of such a development. But now, the recent appearance of ChatGPT with its rapid improvements and more importantly, its having provided direct access to the use of these technologies to virtually every single person so inclined, has stressed how imminent this prospect now appears. We have only begun to intuit the extent of the disruption that this new reality will bring to industries and to our day-to-day lives, and while some scurry to make the most of the new “blink it or you miss it” opportunities, others are seriously pondering the seriousness of the risks it entails.

Insofar as the avowed goals of AI at the very least imply the creation of a new type of mind, psychology as a discipline has an enormous contribution to make to the ongoing discussion surrounding it. In this special issue of Studies in Psychology we seek to share and amplify a wide array of visions, so that researchers and theorists can add their voices in helping to frame the conversation in a way that makes good use of the accumulated wisdom and know-how of our field. This call is certainly not only open to those thinkers who are already working in AI-adjacent areas, but rather to all psychologists seeking to offer their perspective and experience and willing to engage seriously with the questions brought forth by AI approaching its maturity.

The clash of a discipline as variegated as ours with a technology as new and open-ended as this one could inspire such a multitude of approaches that an attempt may feel dizzying or unassailable, so here are is a (far from exhaustive) list of orienting questions that can hopefully help spark a personal reflection:

- Once a cornerstone of the philosophical conversations surrounding the pursuit of AI, is the Turing test still relevant to its current discussion? What actionable lessons have been learned after seven decades of intellectuals musing on it?

- How can we best sift through more than a century of scientific psychological insight and discoveries in order to distill our gathered knowledge in a way that is most impactful to steer and orient AI efforts?

- What have we already learned from the experience of interacting with early proof-of-concept proto-artificial intelligences and what does this reveal about both such systems and the humans who interact with them?

- How seriously should we take the prospect of AI becoming an existential risk and what course of action should we embrace in order to forestall this possibility? How can these concerns be better communicated to the public?

- Is it important for people with no technical expertise in the field of AI to add their voices to the conversation and how can they best do so? How can we canalize the input and concern of the community at large so that it complements mainstream AI efforts?

- As AI programs grow more complex and powerful, the discussion of their potential consciousness, agency and selfhood will become unavoidable. Are there ways to tackle this dilemma so that our natural capacity for empathy is not hijacked into —as the case of Joseph Weizenbaum’s ELIZA program revealed— projecting a mind onto things that don’t have one?

- What have we learned as a discipline about human coordination that can contribute in the quest of aligning human values with the goals of these newly emerging systems? How can we ensure that the outcome of their appearance will be a net positive for the world, and not just for a few actors (if any)?

- Whether we like it or not, certain fictional stories —particularly cherished blockbuster franchises such as The Terminator— seem to operate as veritable Schelling points in the global conversation on AI and its development. But are they helping or hurting our collective understanding of these coming technologies? And, in case of the latter, how can we replace them?

- Is the extensive research of human emotion a valuable contribution to AI? Has it been applied in the design of thinking systems? If not, how could it be fruitfully taken into account in the future of this technology?

- As historians may avow technologies, both social and material, can be lost. Are there likewise discoveries and lines of thought in the history of AI that are currently “lost” to us and that should be remembered and brought into the limelight?

- What ethical factors should be given the highest consideration regarding our interaction with intelligent systems, perhaps especially with regards to their autonomy?

- Will the impressive visual products of tools such as DALL-E and Midjourney as well the prose written by GPT-4 force us to reconsider the notions of creativity and authorhood?


Types of articles accepted (related to the subject of this call for papers)

Theoretical discussion or positioning articles. They must defend and support the position of an emerging paradigm related to the subject of the monographic issue. Maximum length: 6000 words.

Empirical research articles. They may present new data, new methods, or any combination of both, related to the subject of the monographic issue. Maximum length: 4800 words.

Brief research reports. They are expected to present empirical results coming from new investigations, and will be positively considered inasmuch as they represent innovations in either approach or method. Experimental results from recently completed doctoral theses related to the subject of the monographic issue are especially welcome. Maximum length: 2600 palabras.

Research micro-reports. They may present empirical results from brief experiments of general interest related to the subject of the monographic issue. Maximum length: 1100 words.

Text reviews. They may discuss, criticize or complement articles related to the subject of the monographic issue, both for current texts or classic texts that have not been translated into Spanish or English. Maximum length: 1100 words.


Read the full call for papers [Artificial Intelligence. Call for papers]
Studies in Psychology: same journal, new title for a global science
Written by FIA   
Thursday, 30 January 2020 00:00

REDP New Title Image



Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje and Taylor & Francis are happy to introduce Studies in Psychology as the new title of Estudios de Psicología.

You may read more about this change in the Editorial recently published in the journal, or download the PDF here.

Impact Factor 2015
Written by FIA   
Wednesday, 22 June 2016 00:00

After being included in ISI/Web of Knowledge in 2008 (2006 in the case of Infancia y Aprendizaje), and the publication of their first IF in 2010, the second in 2011, the third in 2012, the fourth in 2013, and the fifth in 2014, Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje journals' impact factors for 2014 have been published in Journal Citation Reports.

Read more... [Impact Factor 2015]
Impact Factor 2014
Written by FIA   
Tuesday, 30 June 2015 00:00

After being included in ISI/Web of Knowledge in 2008 (2006 in the case of Infancia y Aprendizaje), and the publication of their first IF in 2010, the second in 2011, the third in 2012, and the fourth in 2013, Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje journals' impact factors for 2014 have been published in Journal Citation Reports.

Read more... [Impact Factor 2014]
Impact Factor 2013
Written by FIA   
Friday, 08 August 2014 00:00

After being included in ISI/Web of Knowledge in 2008 (2006 in the case of Infancia y Aprendizaje), and the publication of their first IF in 2010, the second in 2011, and the third in 2012, Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje journals' impact factors for 2013 have been published in Journal Citation Reports.

Read more... [Impact Factor 2013]
Important notice for authors
Written by Estudios de Psicología   
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 00:00

We inform our authors that we have detected some errors in article uploads through the RECYT submission system. We kindly request all authors to also send a copy of any manuscripts uploaded through the RECYT system to the following email address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

We apologize for any inconveniences.

Thank you.

Estudios de Psicología
Editorial Office

Impact Factor 2012
Written by FIA   
Friday, 28 June 2013 00:00

After being included in ISI/Web of Knowledge in 2008 (2006 in the case of Infancia y Aprendizaje), and the publication of their first IF in 2010, and the second in 2011, Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje journals' impact factors for 2012 have been published in Journal Citation Reports.

Read more... [Impact Factor 2012]
Impact Factor 2011
Written by FIA   
Tuesday, 02 October 2012 00:00

After being included in ISI/Web of Knowledge in 2008, and the publication of their first IF in 2010, Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje journals' impact factors for 2011 have been published in Journal Citation Report.

Read more... [Impact Factor 2011]
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