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FIA - Online Services - CrossRef

crossref_logo_blueClicking on the reference of a cited article and instantly accessing that article's full text


This is what CrossRef™'s innovative active reference system, of which all FIA journals are part since 2001, offers to researchers, librarians and students.

Below we offer a synthetic list of the active reference system's functioning, and of its potentials and added value it provides to the electronic publication of scientific journals. You may also proceed to find out the specific advantages it provides:

CrossRef advantages for researchers and authors

CrossRef advantages for libraries


What is CrossRef™?

CrossRef™ is the backbone of active referencing in the Internet for scholarly publications. Founded in 2000 by a non-for-profit association of some of the leading science publishers, PILA (Publishers International Linking Association), this system provides the basic infrasctructure for linking the references of articles from different publishers and publications, using the DOI® system.

CrossRef™ thus eliminates the gap between the discovery of an interesting paper by a researcher and instant and easy access to that paper's full text.

The system brings together more than 20000 journals and more than 3000 publishers and scholarly societies, including most of the world's best.

FIA journals entered the system in its very beginnings, as part of our endeavor to achieve and maintain the quality and innovation that distinguish our publications.


How does CrossRef™work?: Digital Object Identifiers (DOI®)

CrossRef™'s functioning is completely transparent to users (researcher, librarian, etc.): all that is needed to access the relevant content is a mouse click on the reference of interest, which the system then directs to the URL in which that content is located. If the user has access to the publication in which that content is contained (e.g. has an active subscription), full text will be available once identity authentication has taken place; othersiwe, Pay Per View or similar systems may be used to access content.

CrossRef™'s functioning is based on the application of the DOI system, developed by the International DOI Foundation (IDF). The DOI® is a Digital Object Identifier: an alphanumerical name that identifies any kind of digital content, such as a book or a journal article (in much the same way as the ISBN, for instance, identifies a book's edition).

CrossRef™ is a database that does not contain the articles in themselves, but rather information about the DOI, metadata, and the URL in which the content is hosted. Therefore, the DOIs main advantage is that they are persistent: that is, when the URL or the content's hosting location change (for example, when a particular journal's copyrights are transferred to another owner) CrossRef™'s system automatically redirects the DOI to the new URL

The result is that end users need not worry about who owns the content's copyright or where it is hosted; the system takes care of all that, facilitating greatly the work of researchers and librarians.


CrossRef advantages for researchers and authors

CrossRef advantages for libraries

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